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20 May 2005


Thursday, May 19, 2005

finally it's done! the first step into the Internet of a long dreamt project!With this name I intend to keep my "creations" (without wanting to sound presumptuous) posted to all.the idea is to create a platform from were anything I do can related to, is like a home from were the things I make come out of.All my projects will have the belongings word in them as a kind of surname or brand if you wish.My first project under this name has been recently executed and "put out in the market" last 16/17 May and it is called sewedbelongings. It's a collection of woman shirts with embroidery sewed on as if it was a jewel. It was well accepted by the general public and was a motivation to keep on going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's a very well thinking thing to put your own comment about your work by that way so objectively and lightly.In these times we live we must recognise immediately not only the "heart" of the object but also the spirit of the "making off".

helena boino