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21 June 2007

IMPRESSIONS ON PORTUGUESE CONTEMPORARY JEWELLERY at the LandskronSchneidzik Galerie Galerie und KunstagenturDeutschherrnstraße -Nürnberg

Promoted by ICEP Curated by Cristina Filipe

Impressions: or jewellery that transmits visions of a culture from a group of artists that works for the body poetically and functionally.This exhibit attempts to show in an eclectic way what is currently being made in the field of jewellery in Portugal. Authors of three generations and coming from different backgrounds are presented under five thematicgroups illustrated by five photographs: – Listening, Drawing,Enhancing, Trusting and Rememberingdraw the eye and guide the mind of the viewer, offering an understanding of the pieces and how they may be used. Non-traditional materials and experimental techniques can be seen underpinned by strongtechnical and craft skills.

am Samstag, den 16. Juni 2007 um 16:00
Begrüßung: Prof. Ulla Mayer, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Nürnberg
AUSSTELLUNGSORT: LandskronSchneidzik Galerie und KunstagenturDeutschherrnstraße 15-19, 90429 Nürnberg
AUSSTELLUNGSDAUER: 16. Juni - 18. Juli 2007

ÖFFNUNGSZEITEN: Mi-Fr: 12-18 Uhr, Sa 12-16 Uhr und nach telefonischer Vereinbarung
Tel. +49 (0) 173_5825688 und +49 (0) 170_4218914

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